Category: 2011

Quantum Technology Finland awards Bayan Karimi

PhD student wins prize for her groundbreaking research achievements. This year the Quantum Technology Finland Centre of Excellence (QTF) annual discovery prize is being awarded to Bayan Karimi. She was first author on this year’s Nature Communications paper “Reaching the ultimate energy resolution of a quantum detector” ( In the work, Bayan as part of…
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21/08/2020 0

Simon Memorial Prize 2020 to Prof. Jukka Pekola

For fundamental achievements in quantum thermodynamics, metrology and cryogenics based on nanoscale electronic devices.

21/08/2020 0


22/01/2020 0

Realization of Maxwell demon (video)

The video about the successful collaboration of PICO group members, namely, Jonne Koski, Ville Maisi, and Prof. Jukka Pekola with Prof. Dmitri Averin (Stony Brook University) and Prof. Takahiro Sagawa (Tokyo University) in realization of Maxwell Demon has been published on YouTube. Please see video below: For more information please see the underlain papers: Jonne…
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09/02/2015 0

Best Physics Doctoral Dissertation of 2014 Award

Best Doctoral Physics Dissertation Awards 2014 PhD Ville Maisi from the O.V. Lounasmaa Laboratory was awarded for the best physics doctoral dissertation in 2014 by the Aalto School of Science (SCI). The award was acknowledged for the first time for three outstanding doctoral dissertations in physics in Aalto University on 18 December, 2014. Ville Maisi…
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19/12/2014 0

Doctoral Dissertation Awards 2013 at Aalto SCI

Doctoral Dissertation Awards 2013 at Aalto SCI PhD Olli-Pentti Saira from the O.V: Lounasmaa Laboratory was awarded for the best doctoral dissertation in 2013 by the Aalto School of Science (SCI). The award is presented in the annual get together of the Doctoral Programme of SCI on 18 March, 2014. Saira currently works at the…
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01/02/2014 0

Entropy Production in a Single-Electron Box published in Nature Physics

Our paper entitled “Distribution of Entropy Production in a Single-Electron Box” has been published as a Letter in Nature Physics. Congratulations to Jonne Koski and co-authors! Here is the paper abstract: Recently, the fundamental laws of thermodynamics have been reconsidered for small systems. The discovery of the fluctuation relations has spurred theoretical and experimental studies.…
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02/07/2013 0