Doctoral Dissertation Awards 2013 at Aalto SCI

01/02/2014 2011 0

Doctoral Dissertation Awards 2013 at Aalto SCI

PhD Olli-Pentti Saira from the O.V: Lounasmaa Laboratory was awarded for the best doctoral dissertation in 2013 by the Aalto School of Science (SCI). The award is presented in the annual get together of the Doctoral Programme of SCI on 18 March, 2014. Saira currently works at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft. Others awarded were PhD Mari Ijäs who defended her dissertation in the Department of Applied Physics and PhD Jefrey Lijffit from the Department of Information and Computer Science. For preliminary information on the annual get together, please see in Inside


The information is taken from http://physics.aalto.fi/blog/2014/01/28/doctoral-dissertation-awards-2013-at-aalto-sci/