We investigate mesoscopic physics and its sensor applications. The main focus is on charge transport and thermal properties of metallic, superconducting and hybrid nanostructures.
Particular research topics include electronic thermometry and refrigeration, nonequilibrium effects, Josephson devices, quantized and coherent charge pumping, noise, fluctuations and full counting statistics of charge and heat transport. Samples and devices are fabricated in the clean room of the Micronova centre for micro and nanotechnology.
We perform our low-temperature experiments (10 mK – 4 K) in our laboratory in the Micronova building.

Pico-group in March 2020. From the left: Rishabh Upadhyay, George Thomas, Olivier Maillet, Florian Blanchet, Dmitry Golubev, Marco Marin Suarez, Joonas Peltonen, Bayan Karimi, Jukka Pekola, Yu-Cheng Chang, Elsa Mannila, Azat Gubaydullin, Elena Egorova, Diego Subero, Danial Majidi.
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