Category: News

Aalto School of Science Best Doctoral Thesis 2016 Award

Aalto School of Science Best Doctoral Thesis 2016 Award PhD Jonne Koski from PICO group was awarded for the best doctoral thesis in 2016 by the Aalto School of Science (SCI). The award was granted for three exceptionally distinguished dissertations on 16 March, 2017. Jonne Koski currently works at the ETH Zurich. Others awarded were…
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20/03/2017 0

Best Physics Doctoral Dissertation 2016 Award

Best Physics Doctoral Dissertation 2016 Award PhD Jonne Koski from PICO group was awarded for the best physics doctoral dissertation in 2016 by the Department of Applied Physics. The award was granted for the third time for three outstanding doctoral dissertations in physics in Aalto University on 14 December, 2016. Jonne Koski currently works at…
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19/12/2016 0

25.3.2013, P. Wollfarth’s talk

Our guest Philip Wollfarth, graduate student from Alexander Shnirman’s group at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, will give a talk at our weekly group meeting. Time: 25.3.2013, 9am Place: Micronova, small lecture hall Title: Full counting statistics applied to Cooper pair pumping Abstract: We investigate geometric charge pumping in superconducting Josephson devices using the method of…
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21/03/2013 0